Throwing Yourself Over and Over Again Into the Tumult of the World

Should You Be Trapped in a Windless Land is the fourth and final function of Venti'southward Story Quest Carmen Dei Chapter: Human activity I - Should Y'all Be Trapped in a Windless Land.


  1. Look for night to autumn (18:00 - 23:00)
  2. Head to the Affections's Share
    • You can accommodate the fourth dimension through Paimon's Card.
  3. Sit down behind Stanley
  4. Try to make conversation with Stanley
  5. Head to the "usual place"
    • Head to the Anemo God Statue. Venti will exist sitting on the statue's easily.

Idle Quotes

  • "Stanley... Stanley..." (-Stanley)
  • "Stanley, what should I exercise..." (-Stanley)


(Talk to Diluc earlier budgeted Stanley)
Diluc: You know, I'yard glad I actually had the take a chance to come down here today.
Diluc: The tavern isn't overcrowded, and I couldn't be in a better mood.
(Upon budgeted Stanley)
Stanley: Tell me, Stanley... Tell me what should I do...?
Paimon: Huh? Why does he keep repeating his ain name?
Icon Dialogue Talk.svg He's hiding something.
Paimon: Could in that location be another person called Stanley?
Icon Dialogue Talk.svg There'southward some other Stanley.
Venti: Surely non. Fifty-fifty I've never heard tell of a 2nd Stanley.
Stanley: *sobs* Oh, Stanley...
Stanley: It should have been me! I should have been the one to die in the Mare Jivari that twenty-four hour period... Why won't your spirit come and stop me from using your name? Why, Stanley, why?
Stanley: If just you hadn't had to save a rookie like me, you would accept never died in that windless corner of the world...
Stanley: You were a renowned adventurer, destined to become a legend one 24-hour interval... But now... that'll never happen, because your life was cut short— and all considering of a worthless tag-along...
Paimon: Uhh... Does anyone get what's going on here?
Venti: ...I retrieve our friend really did brand it to the Mare Jivari. And I call up the tragedy he encountered there was existent, too.
Venti: But, the real charlatan, the real Stanley — that was his partner. Not him.
Venti: The existent Stanley is the one who died to save our "Stanley."
Paimon: Expect... Then the simply reason our Stanley is called Stanley in the commencement place is because he stole the other Stanley'southward name?
Venti: I fearfulness that may be the case.
Stanley: Stanley, for and so many years I've lived in fear... fear that Mondstadt will forget all about you... So I tell your adventure stories at every opportunity...
Stanley: Mondstadt must recollect: Stanley reached the centre of the Mare Jivari... He's the greatest adventurer there ever was, and he lives on!
Stanley: Stanley will never die, because I am Stanley! I... am Stanley...
Stanley: I'm sorry, Stanley... I'm getting too erstwhile... now...
Stanley: *sigh*
Stanley: Are y'all guys planning on eavesdropping much longer?
Paimon: Yikes! We're disrepair!

(Talk to Stanley)
Stanley: Go away. Relieve your questions, merely leave me in peace!
Paimon: But...
Stanley: Get out, now! Don't make me tell you over again!
(Jack arrives)
Jack: Honorary Knight! Venti! And Paimon! I'm then glad you lot guys are here.
Jack: I've been looking for you lot everywhere! I wanted to thank y'all again for helping me find the sword and shield. My parents are finally supporting me!
Venti: Oh? Really?
Jack: Yeah, really! They fifty-fifty said they're gonna pay for someone to set up up the Sword of Vivid Valor and Shield of Magnificent Laurels for me, and so I can have them out on the route.
Venti: That's wonderful. So, Jack, is this the part where you bid farewell to Mondstadt and set off on your intrepid trip traversing Teyvat?
Jack: No, non nonetheless. I yet don't have what it takes to go too far from domicile just yet.
Jack: Also, I'm sure Stanley still has a few stories left to tell. Hehe... They're what inspired me to become an adventurer in the get-go place.
Jack: Stanley... Oh, you're drunk once more...
Jack: Encounter you tomorrow, then. Subsequently your hangover wears off, possibly y'all can tell me some more of your stories?
(Jack leaves the tavern)
Venti: Stanley's really fond of that kid, don't you recall?
Stanley: *hic* Jack? Jack!
Venti: Jack left.
Stanley: Oh, I see... Well, thank you for not telling him about my cloak-and-dagger.
Venti: Eh? Of a sudden you're facing the facts? That isn't like you...
Stanley: Only now... I couldn't bear to look at him. His charlatan's spirit is so pure... unblemished...
Stanley: I'm but a weary former feckless fraud, but that kid is a brand-new shining star, total of potential... I cannot allow his dreams to exist crushed.
Paimon: Y'all're not a total fraud... Stanley's adventure stories and experiences — they're all true, aren't they?
Stanley: Stories... Experiences... What's the point of them anymore?
Stanley: To be honest, my memories of adventuring, and of Stanley... they're hazy, these days.
Stanley: That'southward my biggest clandestine of all. And my biggest fear.
Stanley: All these years, I've been livin' to tell his story. But his personality, and the details of his life, I don't remember them clearly anymore. Ah-ha...
Stanley: But the i thing I tin can never forget... is that he died in a windless land, where his spirit can never be recovered!
Icon Dialogue Talk.svg His whole life, he'due south been drowning in guilt...
Icon Dialogue Talk.svg All that remains is his imaginary friend...
Venti: Exactly... Fifty-fifty in his retentivity, the real Stanley isn't the living, breathing friend he knew at all.
Venti: Instead, he's become fixed on the image of him as that battle-scarred warrior... and that prototype had held him convict his unabridged life.
Stanley: I'thousand too former... I never allow get, but still and then much has slipped abroad...
Stanley: I'g completely and utterly worthless!
Stanley: No adventurer should have to go that manner... No charlatan e'er...
(An animated cutscene begins)
Venti: Hans Archibald?
Stanley: My true name... How did you know?
(Venti summons a breeze)
Stanley: The air current...
Stanley: I can hear the wind blowing in the Mare Jivari...
(Venti shows himself as Barbatos to Stanley)
Stanley: I always believed... you lot existed...
Venti: Will you manus me your old friend's spirit?
(Stanley takes Venti's paw and the spirit of Stanley finally goes in peace)
Stanley: I... I can't believe it...
Stanley: Thanks all! And thanks, Lord Barbatos...
Stanley: I'm distressing, it's going to take me some time to at-home back down...
Stanley: But I think that... I'm going to be okay...
(Stanley leaves)
Venti: Ah, wonderful! Stanley reconnected with his true self, and Jack tin finally go his own way.
Venti: This calls for a celebration! And by celebration, I do of form hateful cooler!
Paimon: And by cooler, you mean you lot're not leaving this tavern till you lot're as well drunkard to walk, correct?
Venti: Haha, no, the vino here's too expensive. Jack still owes me some wine though — he promised me a rare vintage in commutation for helping him out, recall?
Venti: I'll head off to fetch the wine. See yous shortly, let'south see at the usual place !
Paimon: Huh? Where's that supposed to be? Why has Paimon never heard of it? Hey, Tone-Deaf Bard!
Icon Dialogue Talk.svg It's everyone's guess.
Icon Dialogue Talk.svg I think I know where... possibly.
Icon Dialogue Talk.svg Okay, see you in that location!
Paimon: Hey!

(Talk to Diluc after Stanley reveals his secret)
Diluc: Stanley...
Diluc: So many years after the fact, it's non even his friend himself that holds him back anymore.
Diluc: But I for one am confident that the people of Mondstadt volition not forget his friend's story.

(Talk to Venti)
Venti: You made information technology... finally.
Paimon: Only tell us where you mean next fourth dimension, okay!? We looked everywhere!
Paimon: And then. Did yous at to the lowest degree manage to detect your wine?
Venti: Aye! Well, sort of... Jack made it out to exist a rare, collector'due south edition vintage...
Venti: ...when actually, information technology's just a one-half bottle of regular cider.
Venti: Ah, this takes me dorsum.
Venti: The first time I saw this view, I hadn't fifty-fifty taken on this form yet.
Icon Dialogue Talk.svg ...What?
Venti: Information technology was about twenty-six hundred years agone, before the world had come up under the dominion of The 7.
Venti: At that time, Old Mondstadt was ruled past a tyrant, who sealed off the city's perimeter with a ferocious hurricane. Even the birds couldn't arrive or out.
Paimon: One-time Mondstadt? Oh, Paimon remembers — nowadays information technology's known as Stormterror's Lair, right? You mentioned it earlier!
Venti: That's correct. The tyrant of the winds who once ruled from that belfry was Decarabian, God of Storms.
Venti: Back then, I was simply a wisp among the thousand winds. I wasn't a god of anything — I didn't even take a human form...
Venti: I was just a tiny elemental being who lived in the wind, a gentle breeze bringing subtle changes for the ameliorate, or tiny seeds of hope.
Paimon: A tiny elemental being? Without a man form? Venti... practise you mean you used to look unlike than you exercise now?
Venti: Yes. My current form is not and so different from the state of affairs with fake Stanley... I took the class of a friend.
(Venti tells his story)
In One-time Mondstadt transpired the story to be told,
Where a tyrant ruled, I met a boy, not that old.
The lyre he played, and for a vocal he sought,
But tempest-walls blocked blue sky — he was sincerely distraught.
"I practise and so wish to see the birds in flight"
Said he, his strong eyes filling with calorie-free.
But his voice was lost in the howling wind's churn.
For the whirlwind takes, and gives null in return.
The true sky, and songs that cageless soar...
Were they not wishes worth fighting for?
So the boy turned, extending his hand:
"Allow us cast down the tyrant and his walls from this land."
The young boy raised then the flag of revolt,
And I threw myself into liberty's tumult.
Victorious were we who fought to be free.
Gods roughshod, winds whipped, nations shook violently.
In the smoke, a despot met his doom,
And we watched as his great belfry fell none too soon.
Mondstadt began anew, the story passed down—
And since then never has another worn its crown.
(Venti finishes telling his story)
Paimon: So and then what?
Paimon: What happened to your friend?
Icon Dialogue Talk.svg (Same state of affairs equally with Stanley's friend...)
Venti: Say, Paimon, do you lot wish to hear the adjacent part of the story?
Paimon: Yes, of course! The suspense is killing Paimon!
Icon Dialogue Talk.svg Paimon, go pick united states a couple of apples.
Paimon: Now's the fourth dimension you suddenly go a craving for apples? Really?
Icon Dialogue Talk.svg Paimon, could yous fetch the states some meat or fish?
Paimon: But Venti's telling his story! What makes you suddenly wanna have a meat banquet!?
Venti: Hahaha, getting a little craving or something...
Icon Dialogue Talk.svg Oh, and so craving.
Paimon: Huh! Paimon's had it upward to here with y'all!
(Venti and the Traveler go on talking after Paimon leaves)
Venti: Ah... Yous know, you're so smart it nearly makes me uncomfortable sometimes...
Venti: Merely and then, perhaps it's right that truthful friends can tell what the other is thinking.
Venti: A refreshing drink, a gentle breeze... Moments like this always take me dorsum...
Venti: Dorsum to a song that I starting time heard from him...
Icon Dialogue Talk.svg I'thousand listening.
(Venti recites)
Fly, fly away.
Like a bird in the sky.
See the earth on my behalf...
To the heavens may y'all fly...

(Talk to Venti again)
(Quietly gazes at Venti): (The light-green-clad figure is uncharacteristically silent.)
(Quietly gazes at Venti): (Sometimes even the lissome current of air grows heavy in its grief... Simply non that mortals could ever see a moment oh so brief.)



  • The usual music that plays in the tavern will change for the duration of the quest.

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