What Happens if Unborn Baby Get Too Much Iodine

Iodine supplements in pregnancy

Iodine supplements in pregnancy

If you're pregnant, thinking about falling pregnant or have recently had a baby yous probably know about taking folic acid during pregnancy to reduce the risk of neural tube defects (spina bifida and related problems) for your baby. Merely, did you as well know it'south important to accept iodine during pregnancy?

What is iodine and why is it important?

Iodine is a naturally occurring mineral that is essential for healthy brain and nervous system evolution.

Nosotros consume iodine in the nutrient that nosotros eat—mostly in seafood, staff of life and bread products and milk and dairy products.

Iodine deficiency can pb to problems with encephalon and nervous organisation development and iodine deficiency is the commonest preventable crusade of intellectual harm worldwide!

Babies can't produce their own iodine, so they rely on mum's iodine intake (and thyroxine production) to optimise their encephalon and nervous system development.

Inadequate iodine intake for mum leads to insufficient thyroxine hormone to the infant, which can impair evolution of the baby's encephalon and nervous system. This, in turn, tin increase infant mortality and can seriously bear on on mental chapters later in life. Unfortunately these changes are mostly irreversible.

Is the Australian population iodine deficient?

Before the 1950s iodine deficiency was not uncommon in Australia. When iodised salt and the utilise of iodine-based cleaning products in the dairy industry were bought in this problem largely went away.

But, the apply of these cleaning products was phased out in the 1990s and household consumption of salt has fallen likewise. Fast forward to today and on the whole the Australian population is now mildly iodine deficient.

It is estimated that meaning women in Australia generally only manage to consume fifty per cent of the recommended daily intake from dietary sources.

So where do we get iodine?

Iodine is found in varying amounts in the food we eat—generally in seafood, staff of life and milk and likewise in some vegetables. The iodine content can vary depending on the season, how and where it is grown and also the processing involved.

All bread and breadstuff products (staff of life rolls, buns, etc.) sold in Australia, with the exception of organic breadstuff and bread products, now comprise iodine.

How much iodine do we demand?

The recommended daily intake (RDI) for iodine in adults who aren't pregnant or breastfeeding is around 150mcg per solar day. Most people can meet this (or almost come across this) with their diet alone and don't need to take a specific iodine supplement as well.

Even so during pregnancy and breastfeeding much more than iodine is needed to run across the needs of both mum and the growing baby. For this reason, the RDI for significant and breastfeeding women is much higher at effectually 250mcg daily, and it's more often than not not feasible to meet this through dietary intake lonely.

And so, women who are thinking virtually falling pregnant, significant or breastfeeding are recommended to take an iodine supplement at a dose of 150mcg daily. This is besides as the iodine in our diet.

Can I have as well much iodine?

Basically, no. But there is no point taking more than the RDI. We can only shop small-scale amounts of iodine in our bodies and any excess iodine is excreted. So, there is no benefit to taking more than than the recommended daily intake—you lot volition simply pee it out!

However, women with pre-existing thyroid conditions are advised to hash out their iodine requirements with their doctor.

What else do I need to be careful of?

It's best to avoid other sources of iodine, such as kelp and seaweed extract. The iodine content in these may vary so it's hard to know whether you are actually taking the correct amount. These products may also be contaminated with heavy metals such equally mercury, which may be harmful to you or your baby.

When do I start taking iodine and which supplement should I accept?

Ideally yous should start taking iodine earlier you autumn pregnant, and if not, first equally presently equally you find out you're expecting. If y'all are currently breastfeeding yous may want to call up about starting it now.

In that location are lots of supplements on the marketplace that contain iodine. Cheque whether the supplements you are taking (or thinking virtually taking) incorporate the correct dose for pregnancy and breastfeeding (150mcg). Ideally expect for a supplement that is designed for pregnancy and/or breastfeeding, and even so, check that the dosage is correct. If you have questions or concerns ask your doctor or midwife.


Source: https://www.matermothers.org.au/mothers-news/mothers-blog/november-2017/iodine-supplements-in-pregnancy

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